Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I've lived in Montana my whole life, but have spent very little time in this part of it - the light reminds me of Bozeman, where I lived for five years of grade school and one year of high school. Anyway, it has that same open, expansive valley light that makes everything look kind of lit-from-within and golden regardless of the time of day. So beautiful...

This new sense of vastness practically begs us to explore it...from the far off mountains in the distance,

to the brilliantly colored life that thrives on a smaller scale

or those monumental adventures that happen within the walls of our home, like turning three,
or getting the bathtub all to yourself,
From our little spot on the planet it feels like we could take off in just about any direction - so many possibilities...
"Tomorrow will open again, the sky wide,
as the mouth of a wild girl, friable
clouds you lose yourself to. You are lost
in miles of land without people, without
one fear of being found, in the dash
of rabbits, soar of antelope, swirl
merge and clatter of streams."
-Richard Hugo, 'Driving Montana'

1 comment:

dig this chick said...

I love that passage from Montana's own.

And, I LOVE the big hole valley. So beautiful. We camp in Melrose every fall...Perhaps we can lock eyeballs in that big, big beauty out there.

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