Tuesday, March 27, 2012

goin' to the chapel...

We're off to the desert for my little sister's wedding!! 

To my fabulous sister, Alli: Seems like just yesterday you were marrying our dog Hal in a lovely living room ceremony with at bedsheet over your head for a veil.  You are one of my favorite people on the planet!  Can't wait to celebrate with you!  Love you so,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

the third day

There is still ice on the shaded stretches of the Beaverhead River. They go barefoot anyway, dipping toes into water that just days ago was snow high in the Pioneer Mountains. It is the third day of spring. The wind blows, but the sun still feels soft on our bare arms, the sides of our faces.


I keep calling Amelia back to me. In wild places, she finds a different rhythm. Her body moves gracefully over rocks, through tangles of willow saplings.
She disappears quickly, her eyes on the ground.




At my side, Aven narrates; Today is best, mama! I am never going home, just NEVER! We can live right here! Oh, look at this beautiful rock. It is just so beautiful! Hold this, okay?" and she hands me a bent piece of bleached grass, to my eyes indistinguishable from any other piece at our feet. But I find I am still carrying it when we finally reach the car.

Today is best.
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