Thursday, January 19, 2012

feeding calves at 10 degrees


Sometimes I'm amazed
at the directions my life
has taken. It is good


to know I can still
surprise myself;
to feel that sudden gratitude


for a version of my life
I hadn't planned on.
To feel so at peace


watching steam rise
from shaggy warm bodies
as the sky fills with wings;


a thousand ducks
moving from the river
to the fields for the night,

weaving their paths
like lace
above my head.


kyndale said...

I never would have thought I would be a stay home mom or homeschooling. I think friends that knew me even in high school would be shocked. But, I'm so grateful too.

Have you not always raised cattle? I often dream about having a small farm and raising animals. Getting up early in the morning is so peaceful. I feel like I can breathe fully. And look at that orange/pink sunrise! Pretty darn awesome.

erin said...

these words landed like feathers of graceful poetry tonight...thank you for these beautiful glimpses into what you are grateful for :)

and thank you for adding my li'l blog to your wonderful list on your sidebar, such a nice surprise to see :)

~erin xo

Unknown said...

I've really enjoyed following your blog the past couple of years. I'm a "neighbor" in the Bitterroot valley and love your Montana focus. The cattle in my photos belong to our neighbors. My husband and I live in a strawbale house and grow our own fruit and vegetables. I'm probably old enough to be your mother(!) but I love hearing your adventures on the land and with your family. Your words and photos on this post were lovely.

kyndale said...

How are things up where you are?

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